In my last blog post i shared how solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding and liberating experience. Exploring new places, meeting new people, and immersing yourself in different cultures can provide a unique sense of self-discovery and adventure. One of the most enjoyable aspects (for me at least) of solo travel is capturing memories through photography. While it may seem challenging to take your own pictures when you’re traveling alone, with the right approach and a few helpful tips, you can create stunning and meaningful photographs to remember your journey. I personally have found that my photos turn out better when i take them myself. I feel more comfortable and I am able to really take my time, as well as take as many shots as I want until i get the right one. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to take your own pictures on a solo trip and ensure you return home with a treasure trove of memories.

- Equip Yourself with the Right Gear
Before embarking on your solo adventure, make sure you have the right photography equipment. While a high-end DSLR camera can produce fantastic results, it’s not always necessary for solo travellers. Many smartphones today boast impressive camera capabilities, making them suitable for capturing stunning photos. Ensure your phone is charged, and consider bringing a portable charger or extra battery to stay powered up during your trip. Personally, i prefer the look of photos from a DSLR, and I use the Canon R10. I did a lot of research before purchasing this camera, i mean months of research! And out of all the new mirrorless cameras that Canon recently released, the R10 was the most affordable while still PACKED with amazing features! I also purchased an adapter that has allowed me use my old canon lenses on the new mirrorless line. My go-to lenses are the 50mm f1.4 & the 35mm f2.0. These two lenses, plus the kit lens allows me get various angles while vlogging or taking pictures. I can definitely share a more in-depth review of this camera if this is something you may be interested in, just let me know. Whilst shooting with your DSLR, also make sure you have fully charged backup batteries so you never run out of juice!
- Learn the Basics of Photography
Even if you’re not a professional photographer, understanding some basic photography principles can significantly improve the quality of your pictures. Learn about composition, lighting, angles, and how to adjust settings on your camera or smartphone for different situations. There are countless online tutorials and courses that can help you develop your photography skills. I have been taking my photos myself for years, and so i am familiar with adjusting settings like ISO, aperture, and more, but the Canon R10 honestly is so beginner friendly that its so easy to adjust the settings and see exactly how the photo or video will turn out on the viewfinder. Plus it has an intelligent auto mode that would literally make all adjustments for you in various situations, just incase you are completely clueless lol.

- Invest in a Quality Tripod
A tripod is a solo traveler’s best friend. It allows you to capture stable and well-composed shots, including selfies and long-exposure shots. Look for a compact and lightweight tripod that you can easily carry in your backpack. Some tripods even have flexible legs that can be wrapped around objects for unique angles. On my trip i took three tripods with me. One for my phone and two for my camera (to hold my lights and to of course take pictures). Also, don’t forget about your trusty selfie stick! While some travelers may view selfie sticks with skepticism, they can be incredibly useful for capturing both yourself and the background scenery. Be respectful of others by using selfie sticks in appropriate settings, such as tourist attractions or wide-open spaces, and avoid blocking pathways or causing inconvenience to fellow travellers.
- Use a Remote Shutter or Timer
To avoid the awkward arm-extended selfie pose, invest in a remote shutter or use your DSLR or smartphone’s timer function. This allows you to take photos without needing to physically press the shutter button, resulting in more natural and composed shots. Many remote shutters are compatible with smartphones and cameras and can be controlled from a distance. The tripods listed above actually come with remote shutters which is great, but here are a few good ones too. The aim is to find one that’s small but has a great sensor, and is preferably wireless.
- Invest in bright Portable Lighting
Lighting can make or break your photos, especially in dim areas or outdoors at night. I always have at least 2 light sources on me whenever i leave my house. With the explosion in the content creating sphere, many brands have created all sorts of LED lights that are very bright! I recommend you get an LED light as it doesn’t use up as much power, and also rarely overheats. On vacations i take one 480 LED light panel (with a tripod stand), and two 50-200 light panels. Here are a few of my favourites:
I would also highly recommend an external flash for nighttime photos. The Canon R10 actually has an inbuilt flash, however, an external flash packs a lot more power! Take a look at these shots i took at night using this Neewer flash!

- Scout your locations before your trip!
Now that you have all the equipment you may need, its time to find the best places for your stunning photos. Before i embark on my solo trips, i always look up areas with the best scenery and backgrounds for pictures. This gives me an idea of what specific equipment i may need, and i plan the types of shots i want to get. This will keep you organized and ensure you do not miss out on any amazing shots! On this trip to St. Kitts, i took most of my pictures in one day at the Park Hyatt hotel. I looked up the hotel and the different areas and planned my outfits accordingly.
- Capture Candid Moments
Some of the most authentic and memorable travel photos come from capturing candid moments. Keep your camera or smartphone ready and be observant of the scenes unfolding around you. These spontaneous shots can convey the true essence of your travel experience.

- Experiment and Have Fun
Finally, remember that photography should be a fun and creative outlet. Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and editing techniques to express your unique perspective. Don’t be afraid to approach fellow travelers or locals to ask for assistance in taking a picture. Most people are happy to help, and it can lead to interesting conversations and connections with people you meet on your journey. Make sure to explain how you want the photo composed and check the result before thanking them. Don’t worry about taking the perfect shot every time; embrace the learning process and enjoy the journey.
So, grab your camera or smartphone, embark on your solo adventure, and start capturing the beauty and wonder of the world. Happy travels and happy clicking!